Tuesday, February 03, 2004

3 x 5

Last night I was reading a wedding magazine with my roommates. Now, I promised myself very long ago that I would never actually buy a wedding magazine until I am engaged. That, however, does not mean that I have not gazed at many a wedding magazine. When you once lived in dorm with 64 other females for 3 and a half years, you can't possibly escape having never looked at a wedding magazine. And every girl spends gads of time thinking about/planning her wedding. And, living with someone who is planning on getting married in July means we have quite a few wedding magazines around. Even "Brides Noir," the wedding magazine "for the bride of colour."

Anyway, as I was reading this magazine, there were all these sample "real life" wedding budgets, and in them, I happened to notice that a huge chunk of these budgets go to wedding photographers. Like $3000 US. Doing quick math in my head, I realize that's $4500 Canadian! That's crazy cash! Sure the photographer has to print and develop all the photos, but still, they've gotta be making a pretty penny by the end of the day.

I take photographs all the time. I've taken wedding photos before. At my sister's wedding. They turned out fairly well. And I didn't get paid anything!

Why am I not taking wedding photographs for a living? How do you get started in such a business anyways? Seriously, I think it would be an awesome job. Fun too. Except for the super duper picky brides. And mother-in-laws. Hmm... most brides and mother-in-laws are picky, from what I've heard.

Maybe wedding photography isn't the best way to go. Maybe dog photography. Dogs aren't picky. They'll eat socks if you let them. Do you suppose they care what their photos look like? They're owners already think they're the most adorable things on earth anyways. Is there any money in professional dog photography?

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