Thursday, November 27, 2003

"we're survivors, we can make it"

tonight was the first full run-through of the christmas musical, and i think it went fairly well. we have performances tomorrow night, twice on saturday, and once on sunday. it's going to be a long weekend!

this afternoon i got the last pages done for this yearbook submission (the one that has to be at the publishers on monday!), and so 12 more pages done. yippee. we have a whole bunch more still to go, but we'll make it.

today was american thanksgiving, so happy thanksgiving to the majority of you who read this! i had pizza for supper, what did you have? :)

my friend joanne got a job selling meat by phone. how weird is that? not the best job in the world, and i'm not sure how long she will end up doing it for, but it's better than nothing! :)

my friend amanda is home for the week from liberty university, and that means it's free to call her after 6pm and on weekends (as she's in canada), so yay i can phone her saturday morning. i haven't talked to her in a very long time.

but now i must run. the library is closing.

and i need to get some sleep.

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