Saturday, November 01, 2003

walking in a winter wonderland

we have a lot of snow. my sister was stranded in saskatchewan from wednesday until yesterday when she finally decided to brave the drive back to alberta... and still ended up in the ditch anyway! but, she's safe and sound and back home now.

yesterday was the funeral of mrs. ingrid hildebrand, one of the founders of Briercrest. my roommates and i went and stood in the honour guard after the funeral, which is when the citizens of a town stand along the road that the funeral procession makes to the cemetery. it was neat to see so many people there.

in other news, mike yaconelli died. if you are in the youth ministry world, or have read any of his books, then you will know who he is.

last night i went to regina to see "bruce almighty" with my housemate rachel and a couple of other girls. we also went to chapters, a big book store. i love chapters. you can look at all the books and usually they don't bug you. the only bad thing is when you want to buy a book it's all dirty because bazillions of other people have pawed through it with their dirty starbucks hands. anyway, i spent my time purusing kids' room decorating books (no, i do not have any children, nor do i ssee any in my immediate future, i just happen to think that kids' room decorating books are way more fun than regular decorating books. why are people afraid to use vibrant colours in regular rooms anyways?) and in the kids' book section (because, well, kids books are cool too. the illustrations are waay fun. and i looked at all the art books i wanted to look at last time i was at chapters, which is usually the aisle i go to first).

today i haven't done much of anything. i have class this next week. "junior high ministry." should be good. it's my last class ever, and it's done on friday. friday is my last day of class ever.

that is all.

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