Saturday, November 22, 2003

project mail-a-thon results #4

i think it's #4, but i could be wrong.

if you're a new reader, you may need to read the original post for project mail-a-thon.

but anyways, i digress... i got a super duper package the other day, actually two packages over two days, from the lovely neely including the following:

* a disney princess mirror ("whenever you're down and out just take a look at this and you'll see a princess in God's eyes")
* two snowmen erasers and a snowflake eraser (because the colours reminded her of mikao's world
* simpsons candy sticks (she loves the simpsons, and figured if i didn't i would still get candy sticks out of the deal :)
* cinnamon gum with "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" written on the package! ("pretty self explanatory! i think it's great how it's made by David & Goliath too - the whole stone throwing thing!") i thought it was hilarious.
* movie clapboard keychain (she has the same one because she's hoping to go into film, but also came up with the spiritual explanation of how God gives us so many "takes" in life.
* a "just bummin" around postcard with cowboys on it.
* a Calgary sticker postcard, very neat-o
* and a cute little ballerinas card with a nice letter inside.

definitely a very fun package! i loved it, thank you soooo much neely! :)

this has been a very fun experiment in internet connectedness... it's fun to have this "tangible" contact with people i have come to know only virutually up until now.

i hope i get to meet some of you in real life some day. :)

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