Wednesday, November 12, 2003

alphabetical update

a) this is the slowest computer ever. well, maybe not ever, but it is slow.

b) i have almost everything crossed off my to do list for today. this is very exciting. i should do this every day.

c) i finished the two papers i had due today and handed them in.

d) i am not moving to the G.T.A. in January, unless something drastic happens to change that. my aforementioned possible roommate does not want to get an apartment any more. so, the official job hunt begins.... right now.

e) my friend mike and his girlfriend are coming over for supper. cool schmoole.

f) i have choir practice tonight and tomorrow night from 8-10pm. these are going to be long nights.

g) we got a couple of yearbook deadlines unexpectedly pushed back... so now we have more time. this is a very very good thing.

h) the girl behind me in the computer lab keeps talking to herself. it's kind of... umm... you know... weird.

i) i framed a bunch of pictures today and submitted them for the art show this friday and saturday. i am excited to see what else is there.

j) my little sister's birthday is on saturday. i sent her a veggietales birthday postcard today. she's turning 22.

k) i am going to purchase the new jars of clay cd "who we are instead" after i finish writing this and return the christmas musical practice cds.

l) it's pretty sunny out today. but it's cold. and there is still lots of snow.

m) i'm making chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole for supper. i'm not a big casserole fan, but this casserole is good.

n) i started knitting a new scarf today, except there was an error in the pattern, and it was a little wider than i wanted it to be, and so i need to re-write the pattern and start again. ugh.

o) i should be getting home. i need to start cooking.

p) 26 points is a lot. i am running out of things to say.

q) i love fluffy puffy pink marshmallow candies, the kind with red sugar on them that you get in the bulk food section. they're yummy.

r) let jodi's SIMS kids, ralphy and eddy, drown in my pool. is that unethical? because rachel was trying to tell me it was. SIMS isn't real life.

s) i like "for better or for worse" cartoons.

t) i would like to just fly somewhere for a short vacation... just a couple of days. that would be fun. if only i had more money. someday though... someday i will. (go on a vacation randomly, not have more money ;) )

u) you are cool. hey, you're reading this, aren't you? ;)

v) value village... shopping extraordinaire.

w) i think it should actually be called a "double-v," not a "double-u."

x) your x-ray vision is powerless against me, i'm wearing tinfoil underpants. just kidding.

y) why? why? what kind of a question is why? because they're cool, that's why.

z) it's pronounced zed

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