Tuesday, October 14, 2003


every once in awhile i get this feeling like i should write a book. like somewhere deep within me there is this book waiting in there, waiting to come out, typed onto a computer screen and somehow later be published in book form.

in grade 6 (age 11), i won two writing contests. the first one was the local paper's Christmas short story contest. i won $25. then in the spring i won the shrine circus short story writing contest for all of Manitoba. i won a bmx bike called "the mirage" that was royal blue and hot flourescent pink, tickets to the circus for my whole family, and supper at the shriners temple with my parents and the other contest winners. i didn't have a clue at the time that they were a cult. i even have my picture with the grand kartum, who is some head honcho-ish kind of guy with the shriners.

i like writing. but i don't do it that often. pretty much my blog is the extent of my writing at this current time. i also have a book of random lists that i add to often as well. i used to have lists everywhere, but this summer at chapters i bought this neat little coil journal/notebook thingy in this hideous shade of lime green, with rip out pages, that has four different sections distinguished by different colours on the right edges of the paper that is perfect for random lists and random thoughts. so for now, instead of a novel or a great book of some sort, i have a blog and i have lists.

perhaps some day i'll write that book. but for now, it remains in the recesses of my mind. i should think about it more during times when i'm not so busy. or perhaps i should just spend less time thinking about it and more time writing it.

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