Wednesday, October 29, 2003

snowy snowy day

my sister is "stuck" because it's snowing here, and there is a whole lot more snow apparently in Alberta (where she would be headed), and driving would be bad, so she's here for at least another day.

last night i cleaned out a whole big rubbermaid tub full of old clothes. i have the hardest time getting rid of clothes ("hey, maybe someday i might fit into these big pants again, even if now they fall down without a belt" or "hey, someday i might loose weight and fit into this size 5 skirt again," or "hey, this ugly sweater might come back into style again someday"... you know, stuff like that), so this was a real accomplishment. i also packed up all my dishes for my sister to take to my other sister's house so at Christmas when she drives to my parents' house she can take them there. i don't want them to get broken in the mail or on the bus, and since i have no idea where i'm going in january (well, i have a partial idea, but nothing's comfirmed, but it would be cool if it happened)... so, yeah, i'm sending all my kitchen stuff home.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003


i am looking forward to that day when i get to change again what it says beside "location" over there on my side bar.

oh sister of mine

my little sister arrived yesterday and is visiting until tomorrow. this morning we went to chapel, and then spent an enjoyable afternoon in Moose Jaw... pitas from Pita Pit at Crescent Park, took some photos there, went to the scrapbooking store downtown, looked in a few shops downtown, went to the mall, went to Wal-Mart, got the photos developed, went shopping at IGA, chuckled a lot. there were lots of rather large squirrels in the park so i took a few pictures, hopefully i'll be able to scan them soon and post them over on my fotolog.

i haven't time to post anything else, but just thought i would say what i've been up to. have a great day everyone. :)

Monday, October 27, 2003


is anyone having problems accessing this page? because i am. but i was wondering if it's maybe just the computers here because they've been having lots of problems since a whole bunch of power outtages occured on friday.

let me know. thanks. :)

the Kingdom

i was listening to a radio sermon today or yesterday sometime about something about experiencing the Kingdom of God, and i'm not sure in what context anymore that it was refering to, but it got me to thinking about how people experience the Kingdom here in "blogdom" (or whatever you want to call it). i have been thinking a lot lately about Christian blogging, how we have our little Christian blogging circles, and how that affects blogdom, and specifically how it affects us all as Christians, and how it affects the non-Christians who stumble across it (or look for it). do people experience the Kingdom here?

random thoughts.


i found this site, behind the name, via jenn's musings, and i thought it was interesting that my given name and two middle names together mean "Who is like God?", "grace," and "peace." i have wondered in the past whether or not the meanings of our names actually means anything.

in my family, it's traditional to have two middle names after family members, however, only my second middle name is after someone in my family (it's my aunt's, grandmother's, and great-grandmother's middle name), "michelle" my parents just picked, and my first middle name is after a friend of my mom's.

what does your name mean?

Saturday, October 25, 2003


i like this site a lot.

link found via much afraid of falling.

Friday, October 24, 2003

lost ambitions

i came on the internet tonight to write emails and clean out my inbox, but as soon as i got here i lost all ambitions. hmm...

my class ended this morning, it was a very good class but i am looking forward to not having to get up at 7:45 tomorrow morning. i'll still wake up around 8 because my internal clock never shuts off, but i won't have to get up and that will be a great feeling. :)

the power went out a bazillion times this morning and a few times this afternoon. thankfully our professor wasn't so relient on powerpoint that he couldn't teach the class without it.

i think from now on power outtages will always remind me of this past summer and the 24 hours we didn't have power along with much of southern ontario and the upper u.s. and i still conserve power. rachel never turns off her lights. this drives me up the wall.

this afternoon i had craft time by myself and made a bunch of cards for people, and then i made home-made ravioli, from scratch. i've never done that before. it took what seemed like forever, but it was pretty good i thought. i even made the sauce from scratch.

the past couple of days have been the windiest i can ever remember. this morning when i walked to class there were plastic cemetery flowers in the walk behind our house. the cemetery is no where near us. there was also a shower cap, numerous plastic bags, and newspapers galore. the plastic flowers i found quite humourous.

my little sister called me tonight. she is coming to visit on monday. that should be fun. she has only been here once before when it was the summmer, so there weren't any students, so it will be neat to show her the school and town while there are others here.

tomorrow a bunch of us are dressing up and going out for supper and to "Christmas in October" in moose jaw. i think i'm going to wear my vintage peacock blue 50's dancing dress. if i get up the nerve. everyone else is just wearing normal fancy stuff or "church clothes." but i love that dress and i don't get to wear it nearly often enough. :)

i should probably go home. i have nothing else to say.

long week

class weeks are always long weeks for me, however, my class will be done by friday at 11:30am. although i have enjoyed this class immensely, i am looking forward to my week off. then, november 3-7 i have "junior high ministry," which should be interesting although i am expecting the large majority of the class to be repetitive from stuff i have learned before.

thank you to everyone who has encouraged me this week via comments or email... you know who you are and i love you all. i would leave pink heart post-it notes for you if i could, but you might think someone had broken into your house and left them on your mirror... right jodi? :)

i have to go. to bed.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

i continue to stalk myself

this post from a couple of days ago talks about how people keep surfing in here off of weird search results. all the time.

i have found the problem. internet search engines do this thing called "cache-ing", from what i understand, and this is when a search engine searches your page, it doesn't do it all the time, just every once in awhile, and somehow it saves a copy of this snapshot of your page as it looked when it searched it. this is called a "cached copy."

here is a faulty cache copy. somehow someone else's blog got substituted for mine. not only on yahoo, but also on google. i think it results from a faulty archives link somehow.

anyways, this tells me why people are always coming here looking for "angela gossow pictures" (i don't even know who she is). it also solves the weird "Mostly Weird, Some Normal, I offer you nothing. I am not a politician" question.

sorry if you've come here looking for angela gossow. she's not here. sorry for the faulty cache. i had nothing to do with it. i don't know how to fix it either.

pink heart post-it note on your mirror

"you are loved"

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

faced with my own mortality

so today in the mail i got a package from my mom of all the mail i got at home from the end of may until now. it did include some cool stuff, like some postcards and a bunch of little sanrio notepads (i have discovered lately that i have notepads coming out of my ears. seriously. i have tons of them).

but, not so cool in this package she also sent me a lot of bank stuff, which told me that when i am finally done school, i will be paying back my student loans for what, i am sure, will feel like forever and i will be very very very very very very poor.

but i don't regret any of my schooling. well, except for the couple of classes that they told me i had to take and it turned out i didn't need to so i wasted a lot of tuition money on them. and i don't regret the summer jobs i've had either. they weren't all fun, none of them paid very much, but they sure taught me a lot.

and soon, hopefully, i'll be getting a real job. like in january. doing what? i haven't got a clue. where? i am not too sure about that one either. but God is. and that is super cool.

these days
i wish i was 6 again
oh make me a red cape
i wanna be Superman

- John Mayer, "83", from the album "Room for Squares"

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

i was wondering

so this afternoon when i was walking home from class i was wondering why on earth anyone would want to have "princess" written across their bottom.

a) would a fairy tale princess actually wear pants like those?
b) do you really want to associate yourself with the prissy whiny princess stereotype who would?

maybe i shouldn't critique the clothing choices of children who have yet to develop the critical minds to think this much about their clothing.

but their parents on the other hand, who buy them the clothing....


Monday, October 20, 2003

busy busy busy bee

friday we finished the first sixteen pages of the yearbook that were due. and they don't look too bad. i didn't think we'd get them done... yay!

this week i have class, "philosophy and foundation for ministry and mission," (at my school all of our classes are only a week long, monday to friday, 8:30am-4:15pm-ish), so i'm busy this week. next week i have off, then november 3-7 i have "junior high ministry," my last seminary class ever. well, i think it will be the last ever, that could change, should i do something wild and crazy in the future and take another one.

anyways, i found today really enjoyable and really like my class. i'm glad i decided to drop Romans class a few weeks ago and am taking this class instead. we have do develop our philosophy of ministry for a post-course assignment, which i know will be good for me. i have done a philosophy of youth ministry before, so this will be a chance to expand on that and develop my philosophy further.

i got an email from my little sister tonight who is probably coming to visit next week, so that should be super cool. she has only been here once before, and that was in the summer, so it will be nice to show her the school while there are students here, and she can meet my friends and stuff, so that should be neato. and maybe we can do some touristy-things in moose jaw or regina too. she's never really been to either city to do anything there, so that would be rad.

and my good chum carolyn emailed me too, which is always super cool. you know how you have those friends who are just all-round super cool people and you wonder how you ever got to be friends with someone so cool? yeah, that is what carolyn is to me.

and my good chum lowana wrote me this amazing encouraging care card today and put it in my student box and i got it on my first break from class this morning. she is another one of those people that i think, "gee, how did i get to be friends with someone so amazing?"

i am thankful for my amazing friends. they encourage me so much. thank you God, for these amazing people.

i've gotta run and get back to my house. i need to get to sleep at a reasonable hour tonight, i need to be functional at 8:30am. yikes.


project mail-a-thon results 1 & 2

if you're a regular reader of my blog, you will remember the original post found here for project mail-a-thon, which was basically borne out of the idea that i don't get much real mail sometimes, and hey, i like real mail.

the gist of the project was this:
"i will mail you something cool within one week of recieving your address. this cool thing will be a surprise. the object of the mail-a-thon is to send happiness. yes, happiness. how cool. you will also, at this time (within one week), also mail me some happiness. i would like that. i like mail. i like happiness

when you recieve your happiness in the mail, you must post an entry on your blog that reports your happiness, has a link-back to, and post the original instructions.

you will then mail happiness to others who request that you do so via your blog.

but, you may still be left with one question... how exactly do i mail someone happiness? well dears, that is going to have to be something you figure out. i am guessing it will be distinctive to each person.

cool, huh?"

the results

well, a little while ago i got the first results in from project mail-a-thon, from the lovely rebecca. rebecca sent me a lovely card along with 2 ikea postcards inside with a little bit about how her best friend lives where there is an ikea but there aren't any where she lives. i think most females share a fondness for ikea. very cool. ;) i especially love the painting on the card. right now i don't have it with me so i can't tell you who the artist is, but i love it. thank you so much rebecca, you're fabulous!

and last week i got my second piece of mail from project mail-a-thon. jake went over and above what i was expecting and sent me a little package including a nice note, a Fayetteville, Arkansas visitor's guide (should come in handy if i'm ever in fayetteville ;) ), an arkansa postcard, a university of arkansas grad school key chain, a fort lewis college skyhawks car window sticker, and a personalizable arkansas liscence plate. he didn't know it, but i actually have quite a few of those liscence plates, but no arkansas ones, so that was especially cool and enjoyable. it was neat to see a little bit of the place he lives. thank you again jake, you're awesome!

so, that is my report. i don't think anyone has gotten what i've sent yet (sorry... i was a little late getting things out), but i do hope you like what you get. :)

if anyone else would like to participate, feel free to email me at mikao at briercrest dot com and let me know. :)

i don't get it

so if you search for "michelle" on google, you just might get these search results... which, at the bottom, have the following:

"Mostly Weird, Some Normal
I offer you nothing. I am not a politician.
Friday, June 20, 2003. Today's CDs: Fred Anderson/Kidd Jordan ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages "

i assure you that prior to right now, i have never had that on my site. friday, june 20, 2003 i didn't even post anything. but eerily, the next day i also wrote a post entitled the same thing as this one! i don't even know who fred anderson and kidd jordan are. while i am definitely not a politician, i would never make that statement.

* on another note, sorry i didn't post anything on friday. i'll try to tonight. my weekend was very busy. thank you for your patience! :)

Thursday, October 16, 2003

choir and yearbook

so i just finished my first choir practice of what jodi likes to call the elite community choir. elite, because anyone can join.

i haven't been in a choir since grade 12. that was six years ago. and that's scary.

i worked on yearbook most of the afternoon, but PTL for msn on the yearbook computer, or else i'd go nuts. yearbook is fun, but i don't think i'm too cut out for the solitary work that is done as a solitary graphic designer. i need human contact. i can't just interact with a computer.

yearbook is going okay, there is still a lot of work i need to do, hopefully i can get it all done by tomorrow evening. that would be very very good. then i could get my homework done for class on monday. ;)

this year though, layout is much faster as a) we have a new faster computer that doesn't shut down or freeze when you try to do anything cool, b) they sent us this thingy so you don't have to format all the photos yourself, the thingy formats them properly which saves TONS and TONS of time, c) we don't have to name all the photo files this year, we can just leave them with the names they come with off the digital camer, and d)um.... i can't think of a "d". bottom line is it is much much faster.

sims is getting kind of boring. donna lyn and gordon vincent had all the kids they can have. dahlia louise, azalea marie, dandelion priscilla, nastursium the third, francesca gardenia ann, and one other one i always forget the name of. we also had nastursium lea (who was lost in the move), nastursium lee (who was taken away by child and family services), three boys we didn't keep, and gardenia lily mae who got a sleeping sickness and wouldn't wake up and so got sent to military school. she was the perfect child. :)

i can't wait to name my real kids. chuckle chuckle.

anyways, i should go. i will try to post more tomorrow. i got some cool mail today i need to tell you about, and i still have to tell you about the first mail i got for my project. promise.

phrases i like

again i go unnoticed
instead of being satisfied
three weeks since yesterday
february theory
so nice to be loved

if i ever made a cd i would spend many months deliberating on an appropriately cool phrase to name it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


yes. that's right. it snowed today. big, soft, flakey chunks. very pretty.

but it melted. and now it's all wet. but, it's snowing in mikao's world. for now, anyways.

i spent the majority of the day working on yearbook, i have a good start now, but there is still tons to do and not much time to get it done it. i decided to put all these fun little facts in it this year, which we haven't done before ever, so that is neat-o. it is interesting how much stuff you can find out online about people at your school. ;)

on a side note, on a scale of 1-10*, what would you rate potatoes?

*remember that the lowest you can give something on a scale of 1-10 is minus 53.


i like this song. i'm not exactly sure what it's saying though.

I don't know why I always run
is it fear of the fall or fear of the touch
And I don't know where the angels sleep

And I don't know how to really love
I've never stood still long enough
And I don't know where the angels sleep

But I am alive and standing strong
I'm no farther forward, just farther along
I hold on to my pride and dig in deep
It's pulling me down, and I am no closer to release
And I don't know where the angels sleep

I don't know how to see you now
The friend from before is different somehow
And I don't know where the angels sleep

And I don't know when I'll love again
But I don't trust myself to just let you in
And I don't know where the angels sleep

It's taken ten thousand days
To get stuck in my ways
And it offers no grace
I cannot stand this place
With love in my face
I walk away slowly

I don't know where the angels sleep
No, I don't know where the angels sleep

- "Where Angels Sleep," from "Ten Thousand Days", by bebo norman

ha ha

i found this site tonight that tells me jasonkillingsworth has blogrolled me.

yeah right.

but, other things on
blogstreet are neato. i like the thingy that shows your visual neighbourhood. it's neat. but not thorough enough.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003


sometimes i think it would be neat to just exist out of a suitcase and maybe a backpack. to have all of my materlial possessions fit neatly into one small, confined, neat little space. to have everything that i need for existence at my fingertips in one nice zippered carryall.

think about it. it would be so easy to travel. i'd just need to do laundry more often. and i couldn't be a pack rat. and i wouldn't be able to buy as much physical "stuff".

i don't think i could do it.


i think had i written down all the sites i have visited in the past two hours while redoing my site and wasting time on the internet, you would have chuckled. sometime i'll do it for you. i just didn't think of it until now.

but, for your enjoyment, here's a link to the ugliest shoes ever. and they can be yours for a mere $209.

two hundred and nine dollars?!?!?!?!?

the redesign

so.... what do you think? does it look okay? or was before better? should i shut off the rain? what about the font colours? i tried to justify (alignment) the main blog text so it would be more distinguished from the side bar, but i couldn't figure it out.

yearbook and msn and yearly themes.

well, i've spent the afternoon working on yearbook and talking on msn. i got part of three pages done. i picked out the fonts. i think they look pretty cool. i found out lots of information i needed. i scanned pictures. yay. that's the first concrete work so far. and i talked to people i like to talk to.

last year the theme of my year turned out to be "you are here," and that's what i titled my scrapbook photo album of the year. this year i've decided my theme is "making sense of it all." if i had a CD burner and made CDs , i'd give all of them names like this too.

but for now, i must run and get some supper.


every once in awhile i get this feeling like i should write a book. like somewhere deep within me there is this book waiting in there, waiting to come out, typed onto a computer screen and somehow later be published in book form.

in grade 6 (age 11), i won two writing contests. the first one was the local paper's Christmas short story contest. i won $25. then in the spring i won the shrine circus short story writing contest for all of Manitoba. i won a bmx bike called "the mirage" that was royal blue and hot flourescent pink, tickets to the circus for my whole family, and supper at the shriners temple with my parents and the other contest winners. i didn't have a clue at the time that they were a cult. i even have my picture with the grand kartum, who is some head honcho-ish kind of guy with the shriners.

i like writing. but i don't do it that often. pretty much my blog is the extent of my writing at this current time. i also have a book of random lists that i add to often as well. i used to have lists everywhere, but this summer at chapters i bought this neat little coil journal/notebook thingy in this hideous shade of lime green, with rip out pages, that has four different sections distinguished by different colours on the right edges of the paper that is perfect for random lists and random thoughts. so for now, instead of a novel or a great book of some sort, i have a blog and i have lists.

perhaps some day i'll write that book. but for now, it remains in the recesses of my mind. i should think about it more during times when i'm not so busy. or perhaps i should just spend less time thinking about it and more time writing it.

Monday, October 13, 2003


1. open range
2. how to deal
3. pirates of the carribean
4. finding nemo
5. national security
6. maid in manhattan
7. superman
8. miss congeniality
9. what lies beneath
10. runaway bride
11. city of angels
12. titanic
13. last action superhero
14. robin hood, men in tights
15. e.t.
16. little orphan annie

Saturday, October 11, 2003


tonight i went to my roommate rachel's boyfriend's for thanksgiving supper. i call this post "thanksgiving?" because a) we didn't have turkey, b) we had curry (which was super good), and c) it's not actually thanksgiving. thanksgiving is on monday, but i think most Christians celebrate it on sunday. well, that is, Canadian Christians. :)

later tonight we're going to see a movie. i forget what it's called. it's a 'western'. i'm not sure how i feel about that.

Friday, October 10, 2003


so, i used to be a pretty big jars of clay fan. but, the past year or so, i haven't really been keeping up with them. and today i find out, hey they have a new album coming out november 4. when did this happen? i promised myself after buying "the eleventh hour" that i wouldn't buy the next jars album without hearing it.

but now i'm all excited. i want to get it. i wish i could listen to audio samples on this computer.

i used to

i used to always quote music lyrics on pretty much all my old posts. but i haven't in a long time. i think it's mostly due to the change in my blogging space. i don't have the internet beamed into my room anymore, i have to come to the library to use it. when i had it at home, i was always listening to music and could type them up as inspiration hit. usually they went with the post. often they had a meaning only i knew. sometimes lyrics can be a post when words of our own are insufficient or unusable. if that makes sense.

but yesterday i was thinking i wanted to post some lyrics that i was listening to. so here they are.

Four A.M., two hours to go
I'm wearing out a lonely glow
I miss you more than I could know
Here I am, here I am

I've got my hand in redemption's side
Whose scars are bigger than these doubts of mine
I'll fit all of these monstrosities inside
and I'll come alive

With my fist down at your feet
I was running out of mysteries
Insecure and incomplete, here I am, here I am,
won't you get me?

My fears have worn me out
My fears have worn me out
My fears have worn me, worn me

- Redemption, Switchfoot, from The Beautiful Letdown


so many times i think, gee, i have everything under control.

but no matter how often or hard i try, i don't have anything under control.

and i never will.

but the beauty and reality of God is that He does.

too easily pleased

i keep reading this quote everywhere.

"We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."
- (C.S. Lewis)

sugar cookies and the wrong side of the tracks road

so today i got up and baked sugar cookies, for the first time since sometime last year. a few of them turned out a little brown, but they still taste pretty good. :) i'm not much of a baker, i way prefer cooking. i love cooking. and doing laundry. i love having a closet full of all clean clothes. my mom says this will make me a good housewife. that makes me chuckle.

it frustrates me that i cannot leave my email for over a day without it being packed full of spam. i keep thinking i will have to start a new email address too. this makes me sad. i like the ones i have now.

my mom found out a couple of weeks ago that, after 6 years of living where they do, the post office decided to check their land location, and they live on the wrong side of the highway to have a mailbox in that town! so, they have to now get their mail delivered to the closer town. i have been to this closer town about... hmm... three times in six years. it's smaller and has nothing in it pretty much, and is on the wrong side of the highway too. so, now i have to go through the hassle of changing my address on everything important. i cannot even fathom the hassle this is going to be.

jodi is gone home to montana for this thanksgiving weekend that we are currently in. so, it's just me and rachel. it's kind of boring with only one other person around, especially when she has a boyfriend and isn't really around much.

old navy is having their grand opening in regina this weekend. i of course won't be there, but it makes me excited to know that old navy has finally reached saskatchewan.

i've cleaned up my side bar, added a couple of new links and deleted some old ones.

and with that, i leave you. let me know how you are doing. this is an interactive thing. ;)

Thursday, October 09, 2003


so i'm not sure who she is, but everyone and their dog is coming here off of search engines looking for angela gossow not wearing any clothing. i'm sorry. she's not here. i actually don't know anyone named angela. or anyone with the last name gossow. and, i happen to know for a fact that i've never used the name "gossow" in my blog before now.

and, who is this "miako" many of you are searching for as well? i do not know anyone or anything that goes by this name either. and i don't know why the search engines are bringing you here. sorry to disappoint.

however, if you'd like to see some pictures of moi, your blog author, you can go here.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003


digger dan picked his nose
and always had a dinosaur
on all of his clothes.

i wish

so this weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. everyone cool is leaving town. last year i went to my sister's in alberta. the year before i went to jodi's in montana. this year i am staying here. i wish i was somewhere else. somewhere cool, like ontario. but instead, i'll be here, and i'll be working on yearbook. because i'm a glutton for punishment i think. ;) lots of work and no pay.

my roommate rachel and her boyfriend invited me for thanksgiving supper saturday night (why saturday? i'm not sure. that's a weird day to have it, in case you thought it was some sort of weird Canadian custom!) so that's nice.

i was going to write something about maple bugs here because they are everywhere now like they always are this time of year, except i can't find a link to show you what they look like. apparently though, there is some kind of a computer but called the same thing, and there's tons of information about that out there on the web.


every day on my walk to the academic building i pass the carpentry shop, which lately, because of the nice weather, has had their window open. so, walking by, admiring the yellow leaves and general autumness of the area, i smell wifts of sawdust and other woodsy smells that remind me of woodshop.

i took woodshop as a part of industrial arts class, which everyone at morris school had to take in grades 7 and 8. in grade 7 we got to make a trivet, which is one of those wooden things you put a hot dish on. i thought they looked like picnic tables for barbies. in grade 8 we got to make shelves. except mr. ginter planed my piece of cedar wrong and so it was all weird and never looked very nice. mr. ginter had coffee breath. i still remember it very distinctly.

that shelf has never been used. it still sits on top of my parents' extra fridge. the gold one that isn't in the kitchen. the trivet, however, has found it's rightful home. in my gramma's attic.

i wasn't very good at woodshop.

they renovated the woodworking shop the year after i graduated, now it's the elementary end of the school's gym. so now the kids at morris school don't grow up knowing the wonderful smell of woodworking. they do, however, still get to smell coffee breath, mr. ginter was still teaching graphic arts last i heard.


if you're interested in blogging information or internet trends at all, you might be interested in this. (link via andrew).

i like my nanoaudience. you guys are cool.

Monday, October 06, 2003


random thoughts... again

so i just came to the library from my house, after an exhausting evening of, you know, knitting and playing sims (gordon vincent and donna lyn just adopted their second child, azalea marie. azalea is a sister for dahlia louise.

i have just checked my email and cleaned up my blogroll and rearranged it, and done some random blog surfing.

cocqui, sarah, michaela, sarah... people i think are cool but i have, you know, pretty much no contact with. and then i surfed onto noreia's site. i've never heard of motime before. interesting how this blogging universe keeps expanding. motime's definition of a blog: "a web log, a website halfway between a diary and a personal magazine."

so.... then i got lost checking out motime. they have cool stuff. like their posting template lets you choose other fonts. i know that you can do that here too, but you've gotta do all the html yourself. and motime also hosts your comments. and has cool templates. with images. and they even have a group template blog.

so, yeah, motime sounds cool. perhaps i shouldn't be flogging it though, seeing how i use blogger.

this ended up being very stream-of-conciousness blogging. sorry to bore you. :)


an update

this weekend was global focus, which is a missions conference that my school puts on this year, and is also the reason i wasn't around here much. i enjoyed hearing steve saint speak especially, he is a good speaker, and had some cool videos, and yesterday night we all agreed that it was nice to hear someone speak who is so passionate about his wife.

i've also been working on a cool white cableknit scarf for my good chum carolyn's birthday. my roomdawg jodi says carolyn always gets all the cool stuff. this however, is not true. jodi has also gotten cool stuff on occassion.

and today, when i went into the post office, i declared "this is a cool mail day!", and then proceeded to open my mailbox. i was right. i got a package from my sister (cool cat socks, a cool red personalized pen, and numerous hair thingies, and a letter), and a package of free samples of garlic instant mashed potatoes and vaseline hand lotion of some sort from some company, and also the first piece of mail from poject mail-a-thon. but i will tell you more about that tomorrow when i have time. :)

until then, have a super duper day.


so my roomdawg jodi has sims on her computer and we've all become addicted.

prompted by you

"Hold on," You said
and I held on.
"Lay down, your sweet head"
and I laid it down.

I'd say, "Tell me all you have seen".
And you gave of your life, to bring out my dreams.
And I need hope, and faith, and the goodness of grace.
And I need you to let me
Go my way

Time passed, things changed
Now i'm grown.
I'll hold his hand, we'll grow old.

We'll need hope, and faith, and the goodness of grace.
We'll need you to let us,
Go our way

You taught me so much
And you live in my eyes
I carry your blood, inside.
That will never change, no no.

Hope and faith
and the goodness of grace.
I'll need you to let me
Go my way"

- plumb, "Go", from the album "Beautiful Lumps of Coal"

Thursday, October 02, 2003

and the award goes to

michelle. for procrastinating for almost a whole week.



Wednesday, October 01, 2003

new look

i was wondering if i should change the sizes of the columns and/or text.

let me know what you think of it.

new month

means new issue.

*update*: so, yeah, i just got back from checking it out. the funniest part was the little girl pulling the other little girl's hair. "homework assignment" was waaaaay grody. if i were you, i would just skip it. don't let your curiosity get the better of you.

and who is this "my michelle 2003"? certainly, it is not me. i hope. i don't want to be his michelle. sorry jay.

has anyone found the secret stuff on the site? i did once find some bonus stuff, but i can't remember how i got there.

anyways, yeah. that's it for my review of "the plug october 2003".