Thursday, September 11, 2003

peter cottontail

i saw a little brown rabbit on the way to the library tonight, under a lovely sky filled with stars and neat clouds and a
full moon to boot.

i miss having the internet at my house. i have to come to the library to post anything here. so, as a result, i am thinking that you guys are going to get a lot less on here than last year (but a whole lot more than over the summer!). i have to come here and think of what i want to say rather than just say stuff. i have to be so much more intentional at remembering what i want to say as well.

i just printed up a couple of copies of my resume and a couple of cover letters. here's hoping for a job. that would (partially) solve my money issues, give me something to do in the mornings, give me somewhat of a daily schedule, and perhaps give me something to do next semester as well that i could count on.

tomorrow at noon i leave for a 24 hour spiritual retreat in the qu'appelle valley with my class. should be interesting. lots of time for aloneness with God, and a bit of fellowship too. looking forward to learning much, as well as having a night away from the 'port.

this weekend rachel is gone home to visit her family in edmonton, so jodi and i are having a good old fashioned sleepover with some friends from the dorm... we haven't yet decided what we're going to do, but probably a little baking and watch some sort of a movie. saturday will involve a trip to moose jaw for operation birthday shirt (which involves the purchase of a t-shirt for decoration purposes) and some groceries and shampoo and conditioner ("shampoo is betta, it cleans the hair." "no, conditioner is betta, it keeps the hair shiny and smooth.") and other such goodies.

anyways, i've gotta write a couple of emails and then toddle on home. i wish i had a bike. i miss biking. and biking makes the trip so much faster.

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