Friday, September 26, 2003


so, i need to find a job in january. i need to live somewhere too. these are my options so far:

1. move to ontario. live with my friend carolyn and her parents. get some sort of cruddy job for 5 months, work at camp for the summer. advantage: ontario is cool, carolyn is super cool, most of my camp friends live there, lots of my old school friends live there. disadvantage: no good jobs probably. high rent and cost of living i would expect. ackward relationship.

2. stay here. attempt to get some sort of cruddy job for 5 months. advantage: living quarters taken care of already. cool roomdawgs. all my school friends are here. cheap rent. disadvantage: job market not very big. would end up with a cruddy job for sure. wouldn't make much money.

3. move to moose jaw. attempt to get some sort of job for 5 months. go to camp in the summer. advantage: my school friends are not too far away. moose jaw isn't that bad... i think. disadvantage: it's moose jaw. i don't really know too many people in town. not really a great option.

4. move home. waitress or work at the plant for 5 months. go to camp for the summer. advantage: dirt cheap rent. my cats are cool. disadvantage: middle of nowhere. no one my age around. i'm too old to move home. it would just be... well, cruddy.

5. move to kitchener. attempt to get some sort of crap job for 5 months. go to camp for the summer. advantage: get to live with holly. disadvantage: holly says kitchener is cruddy. those weren't her exact words, but that's what she meant. :)

so... i'm hoping for some better options.

ryan's one question for me was "How come you haven't come and moved to Seattle yet?" which, you know, sounds cool and all, except i'm not american so it would be a hard thing to do. i could of course, in january, come and be a bum in seattle, or, i ask you ryan, do you know anyone who'd hire an illegal alien? because i've never been an illegal alien before. and they always say to try everything at least once. ;)

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