Friday, May 23, 2003

upped the antie

is that how you would spell antie in this case? or is it aunty? or perhaps anty, auntie, or even antee? or anti?

anyways, what this post is actually about is the fact that i just spent forty-five minutes upping my filters on my two briercrest email accounts so i hopefully get less junk mail in my inbox and more junk mail in my trash box this summer. well, i don't actually want more junk mail, but i think you know what i mean. i just want it to filter better. and i don't want my incoming emails to max out my email account when i can't check it every day this summer.

why do these people think that i am going to be enticed to open their junk mail anyways? yesterday i got one from "mom" with the subject line "re: what greg was talking to me about on the weekend." i don't know any greg. my mom uses her real name. i didn't send my mom an email to reply to with that subject line.

i also will never ever open an email with a subject line like "iseeihhtk0ppgd kjkj" or "whateradiuid lekrjekrj". i don't speak that e-language.

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