Sunday, May 25, 2003

random alphabet

a) i still like those "those puffy little pink marshmallow strawberries that you can get in the bulk food section at grocery stores everywhere" and always will.

b) some times i think it would be really really super cool just to take off for the weekend. but i probably won't for quite a few years...

c) i don't really like flying. actually, i pretty much don't like the act of travelling at all. being in motion blows cookies.

d) i've had my name mentioned on international radio. that's stinkin' cool.

e) i only ever went to one school dance. it was for jenny clace's thirteenth birthday party in grade 7. it was a valentine's day dance. my friends spiked my bangs (it was 1991). i wish now that i had a picture.

f) today was justin friesen's birthday. he's 25. he was "the guy" that carly spoke about about a month ago. well, he wasn't actually "the guy" she spoke about, he was my counterpart.

g) i like dictionaries. i like words. like fondue, my favourite word to say.

h) i have this bad habit of remembering dates. but not really important dates. may 28, 2002, the day i flew to ontario last year. february 9, 2001, a day i thought i fell in love. september 5, 1998, the day i started Bible college. august 21, 1997, the day i started art school. june 22, 1996, my high school graduation. june 24, 1993, the day my cat slinky died in grade 8. june 1, 1994, the day my friends jessica and keith got their driver's liscences in grade 10. august 12, 1993, the first time i flew in an airplane. october 13, 1988, the day i started at a new school in fifth grade. will this come in handy some day? i sure hope so.

i) bh90210 was a stinkin' good show. at the time. i think i'd probably laugh if i watched it again.

j) i like saskatoons. they're a kind of berry. a city in saskatchewan was also named after them.

k) i also like wheatfields. they're one of the things i miss most about my summers off of the prairies.

l) i love wool sweaters. i have at least 30 (i used to have more, but i gave a bunch away at the end of the school year). if you want to get me a good gift, get me a rockin' cool wool sweater from your nearest thrift store. no one ever has.

m) i cook a mean stirfry. it's delicious. trust me. everyone says so. well, maybe not everyone, but everyone who's ever eaten it.

n) i love sewing. it's seriously one of the world's best relaxers. i also like scrapbooking, even though it's geeky.

o) i think the internet was one of the world's greatest inventions. ten times better than the phone. but of course, we originally needed the phone to get the internet.

p) my older sister's name is pamela. she always went by "pam" until she went to college and requested that everyone call her "pamela". my family still calls her "pam."

q) when i was a kid, i always wanted to meet the queen (of england). i still think it would be pretty neat.

r) resplendent is another good word i'm especially fond of. i would like to be thought of as resplendent some day.

s) i like dressing up once in awhile, but i wouldn't want to do it every day. by "dressing up," i mean the whole nine yards... the prom dress, the hair, the sparkles. but just once in awhile.

t) tinkerbell.

u) burnt umber. i always liked the name of that colour.

v) i love watercolours. i love opening a paintbox and smelling all the fresh colours waiting to be unleashed.

w) i should get off the internet.

x) in second grade i spilt grape juice on our classroom carpet and the stain was still there three years later. i wonder if it still is.

y) i like quik mix in my milk. not the liquidy stuff though, just the powder. i can't find a link for it, otherwise i would link it.

z) zed. it's pronounced "zed." not "zee". and don't get mad at me for that, i'm not the one who makes up the truth.


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