Wednesday, May 07, 2003


well, i finished my papers for Screening Scripture: The Bible in Film, Video, and Television and "xpress-posted" them today... so that's one more class over and done with. this fall i have four courses left to do, the required Spiritual Formation for Ministry, and my MRRP (ministry related research project), and then i have two more that i can pick whatever i want to take. i've been thinking about maybe taking introductory Greek... but i'm not too sure about this one. when i started Bible college, i had no desire to study languages. but now that i just have one semester of seminary left, i'm thinking i might want to take some Greek. but, Greek is a semester long class (all the rest are pretty much one week of 9-5 monday to friday) so i'd have it twice a week i think, i'm not too sure about that. and, Greek would be a lot of work.

so, the jury's still out on what i'll be taking this fall. i still have some time to decide, but i want to get my confirmation fees sent in soon before all the good classes are taken.

this afternoon i went to town with my mom to the laundromat of all places for an exciting time of doing laundry. now, i actually like doing laundry (i've never met anyone else who does, so if you do, let me know, i'm starting a club!), but doing laundry in a laundromat isn't exactly what i'd call a good laundry time. hopefully by the weekend we'll have our water system all back to normal so we won't be making any more trips in to the scary laundromat. :)

guess what i got in the mail yesterday? a cheque for pretty much the same amount that my plane ticket to Ontario cost... so that was pretty cool. yay for God the provider. it was actually my GST rebate from my taxes from 2001... nice to get it in a big lump sum instead of stretched out over the year in four payments. lately i have been blessed with a lot of cheques coming my way... a (small) bursary for volunteering on yearbook all year, a bursary from a church i went to four years ago when i was going to college in Ontario, my tax refund from this year, and Canada pension overpayment from my taxes for two years. all these cheques add up... which is a super duper thing, because i won't be making all that much money working at camp this summer. but, God is a provider when we let Him be. i am hoping that this fall i won't have to take out any more student loans, but i don't know yet if that will be possible, it's not looking like it at the moment. if there is anyone out there perchance, somewhere in internet-land, who would like to contribute to the education of a youth ministry student who's trying to keep her debt down... let me know. ;)

so, yeah... i think that that is enough random thoughts for this post. thanks for reading.

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