Sunday, May 11, 2003


so, i am really interested in seeing how this whole blogging world is evolving and changing. sites like who links who and technorati entrall me, because they show how very much ingrained upon ourselves we are... especially as Christians.

we link within our own distinct group... but how often do we venture outside of this group? why do we just create community with ourselves, with our little body of Christ here on the internet?

i did a project this past school year about adolescent webloggers, profiling it as a subculture, etc. part of this project involved a ministry plan for the subculture group.

my paper reasoned that pretty much any online Christian could get involved in ministering to adolescent webloggers... think about it with me for a moment:

blogging is becoming a huge phenomenon, it's getting bigger... more people are starting to blog and discovering blogging every day.

thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of kids, are online every day, writing in their blogs, online journals, diaries, etc...

this adolescents are easy to find online... just do a websearch, check out any blog service provider's recently updated list, etc. etc...

like most (if not all) adolescents, these kids want people to invest in them. they love it when people older than them take the time to become involved in their lives.

some of these kids are Christian, many of them are not.

some of them don't know any one with whom they can dialog with on issues of faith... or life, or whatever.


is taking the time to get involved in this something that interests you? do you think that this is something that Christians should even, in fact, be attempting to do? do you do this already? or is it something that doesn't interest you at all? have you thought about it before? do you know someone else who does this?

do you attempt for your own personal blog to be a ministry? why or why not?

i'm interested in your thoughts on this issue (either post comments, or feel free to email me at if you'd like), i would love to hear what you have to say. and, if you decide to venture out into this type of ministry (is that a proper use of the word even?), whether it be with adolescents or simply with non-Christians of any age, i would love to hear how it goes.

i'm not sure how much blogging i'll be able to do after the end of this month, being at camp i will only have internet access at the most perhaps on some weekends. but this fall, i'll be starting to write my MRRP (ministry related research project, like a thesis, but shorter), and i would like to do something on this topic.

many thanks in advance for your thoughts, i look forward to reading them. :)

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