Friday, May 16, 2003


the following is an email i just sent to my good pal and ex-roommate from 2000-01 heather, who happens to be a fabulous girl, and whom i expect i will probably be spending a large majority of my weekends with this summer chuckling it up. i thought it was pretty funny. you, on the other hand, will probably think "gee... michelle is really stretching it for content if she's posting emails on here." but, keep your fingers crossed... installments 3-5 are still coming in the summer job series. not like anyone's holding their breath... but whatever. my summer jobs got more interesting and more fun. well, for the most part. 25 cool points for anyone who can guess where i was summer 2000.


I have a few things to say:

a) You need to check your email more often.

b) I thought you knew I was coming... but then again, I'm a terrible emailer... but, yeah, I'm coming to Ontario. Isn't that exciting?

c) My birthday is May 5th. That's weird my brother couldn't hear you when you called. You should phone again. :)

d) As if, Lizzy Maguire and From Justin to Kelly won't even be on video this summer. We can, however, go and see them in the theatre.

e) I'm not going to get West Nile this summer, am I?

f) Point "f" had to be deleted due to security reasons.

g) I saw a squirrel yesterday making a nest with stuffing from an old sleeping back that is for our dog to sleep in, and it was carrying it partially in it's mouth, and it kept smoothing it down and it looked just like a Santa Squirrel. My Mom is most distressed that I did not get a photograph of it.

h) What are you doing the first weekend in June? Like, I think it's the 6-8th or something like that. Like, I can't believe I just used "like" so many times.

i) Do you have a boyfriend? Or like someone an extreme amount? Because, I couldn't handle that. Like, it would be a good thing, but I couldn't handle it, too many of my friends have extreme likes or boyfriends. And I don't.

j)You get paid to email? All you kids and your office jobs! Why can't I get an office job? Why can't I make the big bucks? Oh yeah, it's because God wants me at camp. Then it can't be a bad thing I guess that I'm not making the big bucks.

k) Holly has promised a multitude of times to come and visit us this summer... so we have to hold her to that.

l) L is the twelfth letter of the alphabet.

m) M is the thirteenth. I always thought it was the best letter as well. You know, both "Michelle" and "May" start with "M."

n) I am really stretching here for more points...

o) I went to a conference once in Winnipeg and I was in break out group "O". Why do I remember this? Well, my theory is, one day, it will come in handy one day.

Yeah, so I can't really think of anything else to write... so that's it for this time. But I love ya and I am excited to see you again.


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