Monday, May 12, 2003

bored dawg?

so, my sidebar has been growing lately, most specifically with entries for the bored? category of random odd web-stuff. so if you're bored, i have tons for you to do! some of them are way cool, and some of them are a little odd. but, hey, it's my blog. :) and hey, if you have any suggestions for more bored links, that's what the comments are for. chuckle chuckle.

so, i have decided lately that i actually kind of like my dog. she's pretty nice, very well behaved. we've had her for... hmm... probably about eight years. since being home, i've taken her for walks to the pond pretty much every day (and she doesn't require a leash, so that is doubley-nice). today though, we went to the pond and then out in the pasture, which is fairly big. halfway back, she decided we needed to plop down, so i sat down beside her, and then she decided it was time for a dog snuggle. now, for sure, i'm not a big dog snuggler. dog's usually have that... um... that dog smell. you know what i mean... grody dog smell. but, jenny actually doesn't smell very dog-ish. that's good. and now that she's decided we're best friends, i am very glad she doesn't smell.

but i just have one question: now that i've decided i actually like my dog, do i have to start liking other peoples' dogs? because that might just be asking too much of me.

Won't you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new

- Avril Lavigne, "I'm With You"

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