Monday, April 07, 2003


i wanted to post last night but i wasn't able to get the phone line free of roommates before 1am when i finally made it into bed. but, hey, there are five of us who share this one phone line so i think i'm pretty lucky that i get on as often as i do.

this morning i did a speech in front of the entire college chapel, with somewhere around 800 people staring at me. the cheering of my friends was nice :) . i had never really realized before that the speaker really can't see anyone because the spotlights are so bright. anyways, i talked about the yearbook's purpose, the yearbook staff, and introduced the couple that we dedicated the yearbook to this year... about five minutes long. and if you've read back in the archives at all or have been around for awhile, you'll know that public speaking makes me extremely nervous. but hey, i only barfed twice this morning. and once i got up there to speak it wasn't so bad.

we handed out yearbooks afterwards which is always a lot of fun, and so today everyone is everywhere looking at their yearbooks which is a real thrill for me. i love doing the layout. i love having a hand in the way the yearbook comes together. joanne told me it was "so michelle" this year which is kind of neat, but i hope it is more "so bbc". to God be the glory.

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