Friday, April 04, 2003

so yeah

today i got absolutely nothing done. well, i got stuff done, but nothing important. i went to both college chapel (it was the last drama chapel of the year), and seminary chapel (which was, i'd have to say, very very dry today. or maybe i just wasn't paying attention to a good message, i'm not sure).

then in the afternoon i met with melissa, the yearbook editor to plan our speech that we are supposed to be doing on monday for chapel. but first to understand this, you need a little background... traditionally the yearbook editor makes a speech to the entire student body (this year that's about 800 students) in chapel and talks a bit about the yearbook, the yearbook staff, and then talks about whomever the year's yearbook is dedicated to. usually it's dedicated to a faculty member or other staff member of the school, someone who has been here a long time serving the school.

now, i'm just a lowly layout editor. melissa is the yearbook editor, the head honcho, the big cheese. but she's a timid mouse. so i said i'd do a co-speech with her so it wouldn't be so bad. and now, if you've been reading my blog for awhile, you'd know that i'm no great public speaker. public speaking makes me nervous, even nauseous! but i think that two people being up there wouldn't be as scary as just one person.

so today "we" worked on our speech but it was really just me, and then tonight we were supposed to get together again to work on it (because she had to go to class and we couldn't finish it), but she didn't show up tonight.

so... yeah. i hope i'm not being mean. i also hope i'm not being walked on.

what is the "right" attitude to have in this situation? how should a Christian respond? is it bad for me to write this on my blog?

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