Sunday, April 20, 2003


i should be in bed... but i wanted to post this so i'll remember what happened today (well, actually yesterday) in the future. and i really haven't posted anything lately.

i went to the library this afternoon and worked a bit more on the ficticious youth group. signed out a book and the movie the ten commandments because i need to write a paper on it... so that's the plan for tomorrow. watch that and prince of egypt and compare them.

then at supper time i went with holly and we walked two chocolate labs for a girl that we know who was out of town for the day. and i'd just like to say... welp, i'm not a big dog fan. we always had a dog when i was a kid, but it was always a border collie for herding sheep, and you didn't have to walk it. now, i can understand having a nice dog to walk. but these labs were not nice dogs. they've gotta smell everything and pee and poo everywhere, and pull you along. no nice pace with these dogs. and, there's always that... um.... that "dog smell." dogs aren't what i'd call a clean animal for the most part.

now, if you're a dog owner, i'm sorry if i have offended you. i hope you have a clean dog who likes to take a leisurely stroll. that would mean i'd like your dog.

i was not amused being pulled by a running dog and almost falling flat on my face. but, holly was. she thought it was hilarious. that's because her dog was behaving himself.

after we got back, i watched part of "white oleander" with a bunch of people who were over... i'd like to see the whole thing. it was an interesting movie.

then later, holly and i went with our friend, and future my roommate (this fall), jodi, to dairy queen in moose jaw, with her parents, who happen to be in town. they're from montana. i've met them on a number of occassions, they're swell people.

and then joanne, maria and i made Easter eggs for an Easter egg hunt we're holding for the neighbours' little kids tomorrow morning.

how is it, anyways, that eggs and bunnys and peeps became a symbol that the world associates so much with the resurrection day? something for me to ponder as i drift off to sleep so very very late...

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