Wednesday, April 16, 2003


i've been working all evening at the library on a 12-month calendar for michelle's ficticious super-cool youth group that i have to do for a class i took called "Programming Strategies for Effective Youth and Family Ministry." now, i'm not even working with a real youth group, real kids, or real situations. but it's taking me forever. but so far i have the following:

a) Sunday School pretty much every Sunday. between the two ficticious services. different options every three months (i.e. you can pick something like "Acts" for September-November, "Women in the Bible" for December-February, etc.)

b) different small groups ("God at the Mall" food court Bible study once a week; "In Your Living Room" Bible study, and probably one more... have to think of another good one).

c) youth group Friday nights at 7:30pm... games, worship, fellowship, Bible study.

d) monthly leadership meetings.

e) montly outreach projects and activities.

f) a big Christmas play (outreach kind of thing)

g) new year's eve party/ fun night

h) winter retreat over the first weekend of march break.

i) youth and parents retreat over the May long weekend.

j) summer... still to come.

what am i missing? any suggestions?

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