Saturday, March 29, 2003

walking and poutine

i cannot remember ever walking as much as i walked today. i seriously feel like i walked all day without sitting down once my class ended just before 1pm. it seemed like i walked in between my house and the academic building and my old dorm and everything else.

i helped my roommate maria set up for the community art show today in "the landing" (old chapel) that she is in charge of. i went tonight for it (it's also open tomorrow). there was a really good turnout, lots of art, and it was set up really well. i put in a few pieces, two series of photographs called "winter 1"(photographs from a day full of hoar frost from around campus) and "winter 2"(photos from around my Gramma's of leaves and hay bales and a tree), a watercolour i did awhile ago of a green leaf, a picture of my dog from Christmas break, and a picture of some poplar trees in a frame i made out of pop cans turned inside out and hammered to look all cool.

after setting up, i came back to the house and hung out with holly and talked to ryan on msn. i hadn't ever talked to anyone i know solely through blogging before on anything other than comments or email so that was sort of neat. these ultramodern contexts like the internet and IM that we can "meet" people in are interesting. we didn't discuss anything extremely interesting or life changing, but since ryan mentioned poutine and what an absolutely wonderful food it is ;) we decided to go out to the only restaurant in town and have poutine for supper. so now i'm all healthy after eating my vegetables. french fries are a vegetable, right?

after supper holly and i went on a little walk around town, including the root cellar roof, and the cemetery (places she had never beeb), and inside the root cellar (where i had never been, except we were too chicken to go past the entryway really...) and took some photos, hopefully they turn out looking cool. :)

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