Saturday, March 08, 2003

old things, new things

so i spent most of my morning cleaning out one of my two closets... and i'm still not done. the closet i was cleaning out is my storage/crafts/laundry/prom dresses closet, the other one i just keep my regular clothes and shoes in. anyways, i have a bunch of boxes that have been travelling with me around campus for the last four years pretty much (but my last three years i stayed in the same dorm room, but i had the boxes in storage most of the time).

so, i decided today was the day to clean these boxes out. what's in them? well... the only way i can describe it i think is to use the word "junk." i'll admit it, i'm a packrat. i keep everything. but i'm getting better. it's not my fault really, i inherited it. from my mom. from my gramma. from my whole family.

so, i've been throwing out a lot. lots of magazine clippings, internet printouts from three years ago, stuff i''ve forgotten the significance of. most of it is just paper. useless stuff. well, not entirely useless, but stuff i really don't need. i'm trying to get rid of stuff. give away things i don't use anymore. give away clothes i haven't worn in literally two or three years. slowly... ever so slowly, i'm dejunkifying. hopefully i'll be done by the end of the month.

i've also been updating my blog's sidebar a little bit over the past few days... getting rid of old links, some to blogs i never visit... adding some new ones to some new blogs, new fun stuff, etc. rearranging things. updating my movies listings.

am thinking about doing a total overhaul of my design. i wish i knew more html... then i could totally do my own design. am looking for a blog template that i like enough and then will redo the colours and format. not sure how long this will take, might get it done before april. or might not. then i think you guys would be be stuck with looking at rain through the whole summer.

thanks to austin foxley over at this is your free write for linking me up : ) . like michaela over at this beautiful mess, i'm often surprised when people link me. it's way cool that someone would think my words worthy of a link. and apparently, austin thinks i have "good blogging." i'm honoured.

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