Tuesday, March 25, 2003

in the mood

i really really really really should be in bed attempting to sleep as it's almost midnight and i have class at 8:30am, but i feel ever so much more like writing right now. so that's what i'm doing.

so i found out this evening that i have a place to live next semester... with one of my good friends in a nice place. we are hoping however that a third girl can get out of dorm that we want to live with because with just two people the rent and utilities are $275 each. this year i'm only paying $120 rent plus utilities which is usually $30-50 more. so, yeah, we would like a third person, although that would mean two people would have to share a bedroom, cheaper rent is always better. :)

my class today was really good (programming strategies for effective youth and family ministry), it is a lot different than the other youth ministry classes i've taken. sadly, it is also officially my last youth ministry class, all i have left after this week to finish is three Bible and theology classes and my mrrp (ministry related research paper). even just in one day's worth of class i've really been thinking about my youth ministry experience (which really isn't as much as i had thought it was before... i was in a couple of youth groups in college, i volunteered with three different youth groups while in college, and did my internship at a church, plus worked at camp for a couple of summers). we did a lot of evaluating different methods today that was really helpful..

and i have been thinking more about doing another internship... i have been looking at a few that i've found that sound really good, some are a year long and some are just for the summer. a year long one would be cool except then afterwards i probably would not go back to finish my degree. and a summer one would be an awesome learning experience, but i already have a summer job. but having an internship for the summer would also provide me probably with better pay and i wouldn't have to worry about what to do on weekends (the camp i work at you can't stay at on weekends, everyone goes home except i live 3500km away so i can't really do that...). so the gist of this whole paragraph is that i'm looking at doing something else for the summer, i'm just not sure about it all.

but anyways, this is long and rambling and i am going to go to bed now and drift off into sleepyness. bon nuit! :)

In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will direct your paths."

- Proverbs 3:6

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