Monday, March 31, 2003


i have been hammering out a presentation that is due tomorrow, and, although it is interesting, i don't think i've really learned much from it other than procrastinating isn't such a good idea. the presentation is on "understanding your adolescent" in three parts. my three parts focus on adolescent development, the contexts of adolescent development, and then a section on youth culture today.

had some good chats today with various people. am trying to learn from others without putting so much authoritative weight on their words and opinions because that's often what i tend to do... think of people as experts when really they have no more experience than me (or less!).

the "end of the year school mentality" has started already and my roommates are having people over all hours of daylight and late into the night. i like to go to bed at a reasonable hour... i don't like being kept awake by guitar playing in our upstairs living room. :(

tomorrow will be a long day... due to my own inconsistencies and procrastination. i have to hammer out a ten page paper before 4pm. luckily it's a personal profile paper and not a research or theological paper!

i'm tired. i'm going to bed.

The heart is a costly thing to sell in the prime of the years
And my heart is thinly veiled in the usual fears
The heart is the dream, and the kiss
That there could be mor than this, to keep it burning...

- Caedmon's Call, "Manner and Means"

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