Tuesday, February 18, 2003

here i am again

so here i am in the library again, where the internet connection is a gazillion times faster than the one that beams itself into my room via my phoneline. ah, the wonders of dial-up (that was a joke).

so, how are you guys doing out there? i was wondering, because it seems like no one is blogging. i haven't really felt like blogging lately either. i think these past couple of days were a world blogging slump. or maybe it was the fact that everyone uses haloscan comments and they were down so no one wanted to blog because we all know that we webloggers live for the intereaction of comments.

something mildly disconcerting, i find, is our "computer lab checking-out situation." there are a bunch of long desks back to back with computers on them in here and so when you look past your computer monitor's left side, which is basically the centre of your vision, you are looking directly at the person using the computer behind yours. it feels like people are continually looking at you, or checking you out perhaps. mildly disconcerting, i know, that's what i said!

i've had a long day, all day getting stuff ready for youth quake. yq is canada's largest youth conference, and this weekend, our little campus will welcome 4000 more people from across canada and the usa and some overseas for one cool intergalactic weekend. (i've always wanted to use the word intergalactic in my blog. i figure i'll get some cool hits from that one ;) ) anyways, back on topic here.... i'm in charge of the art gallery, so have been busy getting that into motion and getting people signed up to help out with stuff, getting the prizes ready, etc. etc. should be a fun but terribly exhausting weekend... including the switchfoot concert saturday night.

anyways kids, i should be heading off home, and maybe see if anyone is around. i have two houseguests (carrie and natty) this week whom i haven't seen all day... and another one is arriving tonight (alaina). take care and have a super duper evening and day.

"He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend."
- Proverbs 22:11

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