Thursday, December 12, 2002

i wear my sunglasses at night...

well... the yearbook is finally done. well, actually, the 48 pages we had to do for now are done, and there are only 32 left for next semester which is super fantastic. last night i was up in the yearbook office with robert and melissa until 2am, and today we were back at 9am, which means that i got less that five hours of sleep. i phoned joanne in BC when i got back at 2, but it was only midnight for her there and i am sure she was still up for hours anyways. but i had cool stuff to tell her.

anyways, we just got done about an hour ago, and i am tired, and i should sleep. but i probably won't until later. i'm a procrastinator.

not many people left here, only holly, rachel, and me. it's getting lonely.

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