Sunday, November 03, 2002

the bubble

tonight i had an interesting conversation on msn with my old roomate heather from two years ago. she went here to Bible college for a year and then has been at a secular university since. we were talking about God's timing and stuff like that having to do with relationships. she told me that i shouldn't even like someone here because it's a "Christian environment" and not "the real world" and it's easier for people to be Christians here.

while i understand her opinion, i don't agree with her theory. i think that God places us where we are for a reason. i don't think it is wrong to be attracted to people in this environment. yes, it is very easy to be a Christian here when practically everyone else is. but i would not base a whole relationship on how a person acts in this environment. a whole person exists outside of the Christian bubble as well. and how they act outside of the bubble also affects my opinion of them, which also affects how i am attracted to them.

we were, of course, speaking of a particular person. selflessness and giving to others are important qualities to me, and i think that they are expressed out of a pure heart, a pure heart that is still pure outside of the bubble, outside of the box that we are forced into during our education here.

"i'm learning to breathe, i'm learning to crawl, i'm finding that You and You alone can break my fall..."
- Switchfoot, "Learning to Breathe"

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